Garden Centre and Nursery Management Solutions

A nursery or garden centre is a unique business with specific management requirements. Our management software systems can equip your business with the custom tools you need to optimize your plant business and take it to its maximum profit potential.

Our solutions offer numerous advantages that can create value for nursery or garden centre.
Featuring an advanced organization system, our software simplifies the management of plant product records. Tasks such as installing seasonal cashes and creating and maintaining fact sheets for plant products can be performed effortlessly. Even locating plants is more intuitive using our powerful search function that gives you the flexibility to find items by common name, by Latin name, by product class or by product group.

Track prices and make changes in the system in a few clicks. Work from your own Excel sheet or from a supplier price list. Then generate bulk prices in a single click which saves you time and eliminates redundant work.

With a range of labeling solutions, you can choose labeling options from the POS, Labelview, or NiceLabel to add structure and design to your products.